Effective Self-Promotion Begins with the Free Press Release


Effective Self-Promotion Begins with the Free Press Release

One of the most traditional ways to promote your business is through writing and submitting a press release. When considering doing this for your business a free press release service is one of the best way to go. These services will write the article for you and then distribute them to the various media.

A press release or, news release as it is also called, is a condensed article that is written in a journalistic style. A press release is not a sales document, resume, or an advertisement. The purpose of the news release is to highlight what is interesting and newsworthy about your company or organization. This can include announcing product releases, new services, or drama within your market.

A well-written release can dramatically increase your sales, expose your company to the masses, and greatly enhance the image of your business or products. A professionally written press release can make the difference between a successful press release and an utter failure.

Free Publicity

One of the most effective business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing methods for large companies has always been the free press release. They are used by manufacturers in all industries to announce the launch of new products, by non-profit groups to announce fund-raising events and activities, and by entertainment companies to promote the release of everything from games to books, music, and film. What these large companies know that many small businesses don't, is that the best publicity is free publicity. This is particularly true if your company is in a specific market segment.

How to Write a Press Release

Start with a strong "lead". The first paragraph of the press release is known as the "lead". The lead needs to be strong, communicating your message quickly and concisely. You need to use your headline and first paragraph effectively so that they standalone and that if only those portions were to be read, there would be enough information to understand what the release is about. The rest of your press release should provide the detail. Journalists see maybe thousands of press releases a day, you have a few seconds to grab your their attention

What is your angle?The media are always on the look out for a good story. Your press release needs to be more than just. fact, it needs to be newsworthy. Understanding why journalists would find your story interesting is the key to success. Think about the release from the journalist's point of view, put yourself in their shoes. It is best to make your press release timely and to tie it to current events or social issues if possible. Find a good angle, a good news hook and you have the start of a good press release.

Communicate the 5 Ws and the H. Who, what, when, where, why, and how. Then consider the points below if pertinent.

- What is the actual news?
- Why this is news?
- The people, products, items, dates and other things related with the news.
- The purpose behind the news.
- Your company - the source of this news.

The more newsworthy you make the press release copy, the better the chances of it being selected by a journalist or reporting. Find out what "newsworthy" means to a given market and use it to hook the editor or reporter.

Why should anyone care? Company launches, new websites and changes of management happen all the time and so aren't interesting. You need to concentrate on what makes your new company, web site, CEO or product unique. Ask yourself the question, "Why should anyone care?" Concentrate on the aspects of your press release that makes it different.

Add the human touch. Use real life examples about how your company or organization solved a problem. Identify the problem and identify why your solution is the right solution. Give examples of how your service or product fulfills needs or satisfies desires. What benefits can be expected?

Economics of words. Use only enough words to tell your story. Avoid using unnecessary adjectives, flowery language, or redundant expressions such as "added bonus" or "first time ever". If you can tell your story with fewer words, do it. Wordiness distracts from your story. Keep it concise. Make each word count.

Finally, Limit the jargon. The best way to communicate your news is to speak plainly. You may need to use some jargon or industry specific lingo, but limit it to the minimum. Industry specific terms are only understood by people in the same industry where as your press release is aimed at a general readership.

Having a free press release and articles can provide a living to anyone who has the skills and the desire to make money. If you are just starting in this field, take the opportunity to learn as much as you can about how press releases can be used as part of a marketing strategy and learn how to use the various techniques to help grow a business, including your own.